Enthusiastic Moments Happened at the QCC (Quality Control Circles) Competition Between TBSTR Teams!


Enthusiastic Moments Happened at the QCC (Quality Control Circles) Competition Between TBSTR Teams!

QCC Internal Final Competition was held at TBSTR on Friday, May 5th. Among the 8 successful teams participating in the competition, the first 3 teams were determined.
The 3 qualifying teams are as follows:
1.    Phoenix Team
2.    Atom Smashers Team
3.    Quality Hunters Team

Unlike other years, in this year’s competition, two teams were given honorable mention by the juries. The teams that received honorable mention:
1.    100th Year Team
2.    Colorful Life Team

Winner team "Phoenix" will represent our company in the Europe & Africa Regional Competition to be held in France this year. We wish success to our winning team in the Regional Competition and congratulate all our teams that participated in the Internal Final Competition with our sincere wishes!