For exactly 10 years, we have never been satisfied


For exactly 10 years, we have never been satisfied.

Today we celebrate our company's 10th anniversary. We wouldn't have been able to do this without our stakeholders; society, customers, shareholders, employees and suppliers. Our company has developed and grown with the presence of our stakeholders.

Exactly 10 years ago, on June 18, 2012, we start up with great enthusiasm. Today, as we celebrate the 10th anniversary of our company, we are proud to have realized our dreams and reached new ones.

Our journey, which started mass production with Corolla in 2013, continued with BMW in 2016, then C-HR, and in 2020 with Yaris which is our first Toyota project abroad. Our plant, where we started production with 6,355 m2, reached 11,587 m2. Our company, which was established with 100 members, became a team of 1,000 people at the end of 10 years.

It is a source of pride for us to see our company grow, embrace the right values, and achieve more than we ever thought.

We would like to thank all our stakeholders who contributed to TBSTR's purpose of "We Craft Happier Journeys with Our Stakeholders" and supported us to come to this day.